Elementary Curriculum Map Explained

Hello, friends of science, and welcome back to the new school year!

We hope you have been enjoying the updated look and ease of access through our new GCISD Curriculum Site. And as you have cruised through it, you may have noticed that the science curriculum maps, like the site, got a facelift!

Our Elementary Science Leadership Team has been hard at work. Not only has the team had opportunities to diver deep into the new Streamlined Standards for Science, they have also been a part of a re-invention of the elementary science curriculum map. In the design of our new curriculum map, we have taken some liberties with the arrangement of the items on the map to center around the 5E lesson cycle, of course, but also to include elements of backwards design and differentiation. Though the layout may look somewhat different, we think you will find it helpful in meeting the needs of your students and our district goals in LEAD 2021.

This is a screencast that will highlight some of the familiar features and updated layout. Watch, learn, ask new questions!

The ESLT will continue to meet throughout this school year to complete the maps for the second, third, and fourth nine weeks. As the work on these is completed, those maps will be linked on the curriculum site.

Also, you may be accustomed to seeing the "Elementary Curriculum Tools" folder linked at the top of the elementary science column of the former curriculum. Those are now at the top of each grade level's science curriculum map list--called "Tools of Science Learning" along with other helpful design resources.

Do not miss the Resources column, too! Lots of good things in there!


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